
Fashion And Fashion Business

This website contains a wide variety of images relating to the University’s campus and activities. The images may therefore not be representative of the current requirements and practices on campus in relation to social distancing, face covering and restricted gatherings. Having studied Graphic Design at Herts, graduating in 2014, and originally intending on leading a creative career in a commercial area, Elise soon embraced the opportunity of changing course and pursuing a more meaningful pathway. Meet Elise Robinson who has used her degree and creativity to propel her career. Pharmaceutical Quality & Good Manufacturing Practice Msc Our aim is to support our students, staff and partners to achieve their full potential and, in so doing, make a difference in the world. Combine chemistry with teaching methods and practice preparing to be a chemistry teacher in secondary schools. Usually a Bachelor degree, this is a three or four-year course you’ll take following on from school-l

Faculty Of Health, Social Care And Education

Please note, these option units are indicative of what options may be on offer in Year 3 of this programme but may be subject to change. This unit enables the development of a personal design philosophy, identifying areas of expertise within a specialism, advancing individual practice through design research and specialist material and construction technologies. This unit enables the exploration and evaluation of how existing and emerging technologies impact upon sustainable fashion/sportswear practices. Students will explore future facing fashion/sportswear solutions that utilise technology to provide innovative design, manufacturing and/or communication solutions and concepts that promote positive change. Students will master traditional and emerging technologies to extend and develop conceptual fashion products and/or ranges that challenge convention and advance fashion practice within the diverse Fashion landscape. The focus is on active and participative learning as the studen